2018 Vision

January 4, 2018

Q1 Update

I am not a fan of the “new year commitment”. While it may be well intended, the new years commitment is just one more item on your todo list. One more thing to work into an already busy schedule. One more thing to force yourself to do. This year I am creating a vision. Visions create passion and excitement. A vision creates a trajectory and provides momentum that can lead you to achieve far more than a goal will. Goals are stopping points, visions create life long growth. I want to be a known as a person who is constantly growing and chasing a vision.

In 2017 I started laying a foundation for life long growth. In 2018 I want to begin to shape that growth into a long term vision and start taking the steps necessary to get there.

Vision: Become a topnotch, well respected communicator and coach

One of my greatest joys is seeing someone have an “ah-ha!” moment, that lightbulb that goes on when they realize they can be and do more than they thought before. I am passionate about helping people find and reach their potential. In 2017 I became a certified speaker, teacher, and coach through the John Maxwell Team. Already a natural leader, teacher, and encourager, I wanted to take my ability to help people to the next level. My vision is to expand my audience beyond my current job and industry, to impact individuals, hospitals, businesses, and organizations in a truly transformative way. To leave each day behind having added value to everyone I came into contact with.

Vision: Let my money make me money, not me making money

Time is precious and the older I get the more precious it becomes. Time is the only true currency that exists. Once it is gone it is gone. I want to spend more time investing in my family and close friends. More time helping others see their potential. More time transforming others from a poverty mindset to an abundance mindset. In order to do that I need to spend less time making money myself and more time focusing on how my money can make me more money. By studying wealthy people I have found that the best way for money to make more money is by investing in real estate and businesses. I was already on this path, however there was no vision. The vision gives clarity and a focused why statement that provides motivation. This vision will lead me to invest more heavily in businesses and real estate for myself.

Vision: Build an ever improving relationship with my wife that others coming behind can model after

Life is hard to navigate, relationships are harder. Finding someone who has been there already who you can follow is an invaluable resource. Along with my dream to add value to everyone around me, I want to be a relationship model everyone can emulate. No marriage is perfect, and that is the beauty of marriage. Anyone can have a good marriage in good times, but it is when the going gets tough that the quality of the relationship really shines through. I want my struggles and achievements to provide hope, inspiration, and a path to follow for all the other couples out there.

Vision: Live a slow paced life

Our society has a go-go-go mentality. Technology, fast food, kids school activities, work following you home, are all contributors to the idea that our schedule should always be full. Start one thing and then go start the next thing. No time in between to breathe. We have a belief that if we are busy we are productive but really all being busy means is that you are busy. Slowing down and creating space in life allows you to spend time thinking and reflecting. I have heard it said that even one minute of reflective thinking is worth an hour of activity. I want to slow life down so I can relax and enjoy it more as well as making the times I am busy truly more effective and productive. I want to be able to think and reflect more to enhance my relationships and all aspects of life.