Bella helps fight human trafficking at the Cupid 5k

February 14, 2014

Bella helped raise money to help people stuck in human trafficking today. The Cupid 5k is an Urban Adventure race. Participants choose whether they want to be Lovers or Haters and start racing from opposite sides of the course. Each runner has a flag tied around their waist and when the two sides meet at the park in the middle it is a free for all. Haters and Lovers try to steal each others flags. Along the way there are checkpoints where runners gather “charms”. Points are awarded for most charms, most flags, and fastest runners. Tossed into the mix to randomize things are “staff cupids”. If a staff cupid gets a runner’s flag that runner is then also a cupid and able to take tags from any other runner on either team. All ticket sales for the event go directly to the A21 Campaign that fights human trafficking. Bella helped raise several thousand dollars!

The Cupid 5k starts at Alki in West Seattle. To get there Bella went on what may be her first ever bus ride! Several weeks ago Bella had anxiety issues and when we would visit Drip City Coffee she was very cautious with new people. Now she greets them. I knew the bus was going to be standing room crowded, and it was. I was curious how Bella would react to so many people looming over her, and how people would react to her. She did great! She was happy the whole time. Her ears were perky and everyone wanted to pet her.


At the Cupid 5k she helped greet the participants at the registration booth and made fast friends. I tried to get a couple pictures with her but she wanted to be in the middle of the action and would not sit still.

