Planned Neglect

May 21, 2024

With the new year rolling just around the corner, I have already started thinking about life next year. As part of this process, I review everything I have done this year to determine the value I received from it. This includes not just events, but also groups and associations I am part of, ongoing commitments,

Quick tip to access protected properties in PHP object

May 27, 2020

Calling an object that has a protected property that you need access to? This function will allow you to quickly access data stored in protected properties of PHP objects. Note: I tested this on PHP 7.4. It will likely work on other versions, but may need tweaking. Good developers will protect the internals of their

How to be grateful where you are

September 28, 2018

Joe, one of my mentors, shared a deep insight tonight. As he lay in his hospital bed he taught me how to be grateful where you are. All his life Joe has been an active person. He has traveled the world over, hiked amazing places, competed in many sports, and engaged in activities that kept