Seventy48 Race Recap – 2024

May 31, 2024

I was looking north up Colvos Passage, straining against the oars of my 9-foot Minto rowing dinghy. As the sun set, hundreds of lights began to twinkle, marking the other rowboats like little shining stars. Despite the beauty, I felt only disappointment. A few hours earlier, the Seventy48 human-powered boat race had begun. No motors,

2016 Catalina Regatta

June 17, 2016

I had the honor of running the race for the excellent Catalina Association of Puget Sound on Father’s Day. The day consisted of three separate races. As the wind built and changed during the day I was able to set three entirely different courses, all of which wound up being perfect for the conditions. During our

Zippey’s first almost race

June 13, 2013

My dear brother Brandon is moving three days to Orange County :(. This evening I had the pleasure of taking him and his daughter on a farewell cruise. Thursdays throughout the summer my marina hosts a fun casual sailboat race and we had the good fortune of being on the water to watch the race!