Diane Leclerc or John Wesley’s Grandfather in Disguise?

May 21, 2010

I ran across a picture of John Wesley’s grandfather on the Wesley Center website today. He bears a striking resemblance to Diane Leclerc, a religion professor at NNU. Is Diane the almighty John Wesley’s grandfather come back to haunt us? You decide.

First Beard Culling

May 18, 2010

As many of you noticed I have been growing out some facial hair. I have a rather full and thick beard. The majority of people liked the beard (mother not included) and I was thinking about letting it grow till the end of summer, but the sides were touching my ears a lot and I

Roland V-Drums in my Room!

April 4, 2010

I found out last week the church I am currently attending had two full drum kits in the attic in addition to the set on stage. I went to take a look and what do my eyes behold but a set of Roland V-Drums. I do lots of MIDI stuff with Reason 4 and I

Bus for me?

February 12, 2010

My buddy Kevin sent me this picture. I thought it was great. I need to get one of these for my house!

Crazy Maui Drummer

January 12, 2010

I went to see the Cirque Polynesia while I was in Maui and the drummer astounded me. I must have watched him for the first twenty minutes at least. He totally made the show. He reminded me of a cross between Kiss and Michael Jackson, leaning heavily towards the Joker. Check it out and see