Was chatting with some friends the other day about how many ways Seattle people make their (hipster) coffee. Decided to walk into the nearest coffee shop and take a photo of all the coffee brewing methods they offer. Half of them I do not even know the name of. There are 11 different methods represented
Halloween fun with spiders
This morning I had a sudden powerful itch to do something “spooky” for Halloween on this site. I thought spiders running across the screen might be interesting. I ran across a javascript library for insects and slapped together a plugin for WordPress that puts out a bunch of spiders on the browser window. It came
2015 Email Stats
Continuing the tradition of posting a yearly count of email stats, here are the numbers from this year. These numbers reflect only the emails from my personal email account after being filtered for spam. Interestingly 2015 saw a 37% drop in received emails. Remaining unread emails at the end of the year was significantly higher
2014 Email Stats
Continuing the tradition of posting a yearly count of email stats, here are the numbers from this year. These numbers reflect only the emails from my personal email account after being filtered for spam. Sent: 736 Recieved: 4303 Unread: 399 With the mountain of incoming emails it is easy to understand why I am so