PHP: Autoloader

August 9, 2010

SirGecko just released the first version of their PHP Autoloader. This auto loader is great because I can use it in any of my PHP projects and no longer have to keep track of and/or require() my objects. I simply drop this auto loader into my project, setup the directories my classes are in in

Javascript: Parse Twitter Usernames, Hashtags and URIs

July 28, 2010

Twitter provides a plain-text stream of tweets. I was looking to add links to this stream for the usernames, URIs, and hashes. I wound up with the following function that hopefully you will find useful. function parseTwitter(text) { // Parse URIs text = text.replace(/[A-Za-z]+:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9-_]+\.[A-Za-z0-9-_:%&\?\/.=]+/, function(uri) { return; }); // Parse Twitter usernames text =

PHP: Downloading remote content with CURL

July 7, 2010

With fopen becoming increasingly scarce on web hosts, CURL is becoming a better and better solution to retrieving remote content with PHP. CURL is a fairly standard PHP module and chances are if your host does not support it a simple ticket will have them installing it for you. Because I am constantly loosing my

Retrieve remote JSON content with jQuery

June 30, 2010

I am currently working on an iPhone app using the PhoneGap project as a base. PhoneGap allows me to use my current web development knowledge to develop an application using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. A key component in almost all iPhone applications is retrieval of remote content. I am going to walk you through the

PHP+Apache: Enabling XSS for iPhone apps with PhoneGap and jQTouch

June 24, 2010

I am currently working on developing an iPhone app for Northwest Nazarene University. Part of this app will need to connect to the school’s webserver to retreive items such as news feeds and shared photo galleries. Being primarily a web developer I have turned to two projects created by Nitobi persons, PhoneGap and jQTouch. PhoneGap