I am currently working on developing an iPhone app for Northwest Nazarene University. Part of this app will need to connect to the school’s webserver to retreive items such as news feeds and shared photo galleries. Being primarily a web developer I have turned to two projects created by Nitobi persons, PhoneGap and jQTouch.
PhoneGap allows me to use my current HTML, CSS, and Javascript knowledge to build a site. Then using the PhoneGap xcode project I simply drop the web files into a directory and PhoneGap transforms them into a glorious iPhone app.
jQTouch is a jQuery based library that makes the app look and feel like a real iPhone app.
This setup worked beautifully until I needed to connect to the school’s webserver and retreive content. I began to run into cross site scripting (XSS) headaches. After days of pounding my head into my desk I ran across a neat little feature in Apache that allows you to turn off the XSS protection on the server. You may be thinking that sounds insecure, and you would be right, but if you are trying to pull content off your server with Javascript from remote locations it may be just the thing you need to get it working. This does not come built in Apache, it is a module you have to add in. It was pretty trivial. Here are the directions for setting up mod_headers in Ubuntu
To check and see if mod_headers was actually loaded save the following to a PHP file and view it from the server in your browser
If that was successful mod_headers should be listed. You can now move on to the more fun stuff.
There are two ways in which you can allow XSS. The first is through a .htaccess file. This method works great, however it enables XSS for all files in the directory. The second is through PHP header(). The PHP method allows you to target more specifically what files are XSS capable, and even would allow you to do some other safety checks in your code before setting the XSS header.
Header add Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
Another thing to take note of is the *. The * means anyone from anywhere may do XSS. You can however specify specific hosts that have access. See the link at the bottom of this post for more information on that.
Congratulations! You should now have an XSS compatible website. Make extra sure that all of your security is in place because XSS opens up a whole new can of worms for crackers. Ensure all input from users is cleaned before it touches your database or anything else remotely sensitive.
Articles that helped me along the way:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin Multiple Origin Domains?
Configure Apache To Accept Cross-Site XMLHttpRequests on Ubuntu
HTTP Access Control
Server-Side Access Control
Social Javascript (cross-site ajax)