WordPress: Retrieve posts for last N minutes or timespan

November 1, 2011

I am working on a project that requires me to pull the last 15 minutes worth of posts from a custom post type out of the wp_posts table for analysis. I thought this would be easy and quick, however I spend around 20 minutes digging until I finally found a nugget way at the bottom

Setup WordPress on Windows Azure

October 25, 2011

If you are looking for information on hosting WordPress on Windows Azure there have been a lot of WordPress tutorials popping up in blogs lately. Unfortunately many(most) of these posts contain misinformation, error, or are out of date. The good news is that the Microsoft Interoperability team hosts an official tutorial on deploying WordPress on

My WordPress plugins

September 14, 2011

I attended a great Seattle WordPress Developer Meetup this evening and a hot topic was what plugins to use for various things. I decided that until we have an official WordPress Seattle Developer’s website I will post the plugins I am fond of here. Feel free to comment with better plugins or ideas for new

Running comparisons on Windows Azure Storage for PHP developers

March 16, 2011

Let me setup a scenario. You have a Windows Azure Storage Table with a column called PartitionKey that is a series of numbers that are timestamps. You are testing your code to retrieve all timestamps greater than X in order to perform time based data calculations. Being smart you try “PartitionKey gt 1”, because 065983400000

Converting DateTime.Ticks to a Unix timestamp and back in PHP

March 16, 2011

I recently found out that the DateTime library in C# provides the ability for much higher resolution of time compared to the PHP date time function. While PHP can go down to an impressive microsecond, C# can go all the way down to nanoseconds. Though I am still skeptical that it can actually calculate that