My WordPress plugins

September 14, 2011

I attended a great Seattle WordPress Developer Meetup this evening and a hot topic was what plugins to use for various things. I decided that until we have an official WordPress Seattle Developer’s website I will post the plugins I am fond of here. Feel free to comment with better plugins or ideas for new plugins!

  • AlexaRank – Shows your website ranking compared to millions of other websites. This is just a fun plugin
  • AntiSpam Bee – Amazing plugins that stops 99.9% of all spam in it’s tracks. Love it, install it on all client installs
  • AntiVirus – Helps protect your blog against known exploits and injections. Seems to work very well. I generally install it for all clients
  • Blog Metrics – Interesting plugin that shows metrics about the posts on your blog. I rarely actually check this but it is interesting sometimes.
  • CLI Switch – Super fun plugin that switches your WordPress website into a terminal. Try it here A fairly pointless plugin overall
  • CodeHighlighter – Awesome plugin for posting code snippets. Changes highlighting mode per language. Unfortunately it is not available anymore, though you can email me if you want a copy.
  • Events Manager – A very powerful and capable events plugin. I highly recommend trying this one out
  • FancyBox for WordPress – Makes all the images in a post pop up in a pretty fancybox dialog
  • FoxyShop – Powerful yet easy to use looking shopping cart. Disclaimer: I have not used the plugin actively yet
  • Google Analytics for WordPress – Does like it says, adds the javascript for Google Analytics to the posts. Works well
  • Tweet, Like, Google +1 and Share – Adds simple, discreet sharing buttons to your posts. Fastest plugin for social sharing I have used
  • WP SlimStat – WordPressified version of SlimStat. Simply an awesome plugin that collects stats you can view right in WordPress. I use these stats much more than Google Analytics. It is also generally easier for clients to learn.

There you go. Try not to look for vulnerabilities in those and hack me now 😉