Here are the slides!
How to easily load assets on custom WordPress admin pages
There are many plugins for WordPress that add functionality to the wp-admin area. These plugins often load additional assets such as CSS or Javascript. Polite developers will save resources and ensure those assets only load on the intended page. When you add a page to wp-admin with add_menu_page() or add_submenu_page() it returns a hook name.
Quick and easy way to show the current Git branch on your command prompt
If you work with lots of branches in Git it is nice to be able to see at a glance which branch you are on instead of typing git branch each time. Here are 4 quick lines you can add to your bash prompt that will show the current branch. You will need to edit
PHP: Erase a value out of an array without knowing its key
If you find yourself with an array that you know contains a certain value that you need to access or erase here is a useful code snippet that I came across the other day. $key = array_search( $needle, $haystack ); unset( $haystack[$key] ); For example, given the following array: $colors = array( ‘red’, ‘blue’, ‘green’,
Add or Update your vSphere or ESXi license key through the terminal
If you are like me and you forgot to input your vSphere or ESXi license key before it expired not to fear! It is possible to update the license key through the terminal. The license is stored in a plain text file at /etc/vmware/vmware.lic. To edit it from the terminal type in: vi /etc/vmware/vmware.lic Erase