I was reading an article today and the author said he was hired to write “kilometers of code” it got me curious… How much code does one need to write to write a kilometer of code? How much code is a kilometer of code? First we have to set the stage. With all the various
Responding to Critical Vulnerabilities in WordPress Plugins
This is a video from the April 2014 Seattle WordPress Developer Meetup where I spoke on Responding to Critical Vulnerabilities in WordPress Plugins. Slides are available at https://ben.lobaugh.net/uploads/critical-vulnerability-response
Find your most commonly used Linux commands
Was looking through some old documents ( From 2007! ) and I ran across a neat command that I had forgotten about. This command searches through your bash shell history for the most commonly used commands and prints them out in order with the count next to it. history | cut -b8- | sort |
Nexus 7 Unboxing- My first Android device
As the UI for the products at work continue to move more and more towards Javascript I have found that it is getting harder to assure a great experience across a large variety of devices effectively without access to those devices. I have never owned any Android devices due to the amazing integration of Apple
The Victoria Debacle
I am sitting in the dining room of a rustic wood cabin on Pender Island. Seated around me are six amazing people with a deep passion for WordPress. All morning the air has been buzzing with conversation on the future of WordPress and how to make it even more awesome. Everything was different just one