My 2014 Brute force attempt details and a WordPress plugin to block attempted passwords

January 1, 2015

I run a WordPress Multisite with about 50 sites running on it. As a matter of curiosity I started tracking failed login attempts this year to share the details with you. Total Logins: 78,623 Valid: 459 (does not include return visits where the login cookie was set.) Failed attempts with a valid username: 2,648 Failed

WebDevStudios is helping kids in Uganda have a brighter future

December 8, 2014

The fundraising drive is complete. Thank you for helping WedDevStudios raise $3,300 dollars!!! On December 5th WebDevStudios announced a holiday fundraising drive that will benefit kids in Uganda. This is a cause I am particularly passionate about and am asking you to join my team at WebDevStudios where your simple financial donation this season can

WordPress: Send HTML emails from your plugin

December 7, 2014

By default when you use the wp_mail() function it will send out an ugly text based email. Lucky for you WordPress has an easy built in tool (surprise!) to switch the emails from text emails into html email. Simply drop the following line into your plugin and presto! Html email will flow out of it.

WordCamp Sunday Workspace

October 26, 2014

I am sitting in the contributor room on Sunday at WordCamp San Francisco.

Remove Jetpack menu when not connected on a WordPress Multisite subsite (individual blog)

September 16, 2014

I run my own decent sized WordPress Multisite with the Jetpack plugin enabled at the network level. This allows me to manage at a high level view all the Jetpack connected blogs from a single Jetpack connection. Not all the blogs need to be running Jetpack, however because Jetpack is enabled network wide all blogs