Thursday: Flying to the top of pyramids with a Jetpack

July 20, 2013

(Note: There are still a few pictures that need to be uploaded) Apologies on not posting this Thursday. Thursday was a very full and busy day. By the time I was able to post and update I did not feel like using my brain :). Instead I now write you from thousands of feet up

Dear United States of America, Please fix your ridiculous travel situation

July 19, 2013

Let me tell you about my first Automattic travel… Caution: LONG Rant ahead I have been with Automattic for 3 weeks now and this week was my first Jetpack team meetup. It was in Mexico City and was pretty great. Booked all the flights through Egencia smoothly. Made it down to Mexico fine, then I

Jetpack panorama

July 18, 2013

While in Mexico City the Jetpack team had a chance to visit the Torre Latinoamericana tower. This tower is the tallest building around for miles and has an inspiring 360 view. As I walked around the viewing area I snapped many pictures and was able to put together a pretty impressive panoramic shot. Be sure

Work and Play in Mexico día tres

July 17, 2013

I thought yesterday was great, but each day just seems to get better here in Mexico with my Jetpack family! The day started out with me exploring the Jetpack code base, fiddling with my personal site ( crashing it over and over 😉 ),  and scheming up new ideas for Jetpack based purely off what

Tuesday in Mexico

July 17, 2013

Ok ok! I know this post is a few hours late. Miguel and I were debugging an issue until 1am and I just did not feel like writing a post with my eyes mostly closed and feeling pretty fuzzy… I was pushed off the high dive into the deep end of the pool today. We