The tank is doing great now! It has been several weeks without new issues cropping. I did lose the Watchman Goby, everybody else is quite healthy though 🙂 The fish and invertebrates are still in the tank, just hiding in this photo.
Using An iPad For Web Development
My obsession with using an iPad for web development started all the way back with the first generation iPad. Tools then were sparse, but I made it work by jumping through some hoops. Today’s iPad is a much superior machine, and the available apps have come a long way toward making the iPad comfortable enough,
Quick tip to access protected properties in PHP object
Calling an object that has a protected property that you need access to? This function will allow you to quickly access data stored in protected properties of PHP objects. Note: I tested this on PHP 7.4. It will likely work on other versions, but may need tweaking. Good developers will protect the internals of their
Finally- A Diet That Works! My Experience With Intermittent Fasting
I was huge, giant of a man…. but in the wrong direction. Hey, I like to eat ok? Though I am always busy, I am not particularly active. In the last few years the pounds have really packed on. I felt yucky and uncomfortable in my own skin. A change was needed, and quickly. When
The Unchained Developer- Free Your Workflow and Become Device Agnostic
Back in 2011, I was getting frustrated with my aging development machine. It could barely keep up with me, though I resisted getting a new machine because it can be so frustratingly time-consuming to set up a new machine. As I pondered what to do a thought struck me, “you are a WEB developer Ben….