PHP: Autoloader

August 9, 2010

SirGecko just released the first version of their PHP Autoloader. This auto loader is great because I can use it in any of my PHP projects and no longer have to keep track of and/or require() my objects. I simply drop this auto loader into my project, setup the directories my classes are in in

How to remove a starter from a 1965 VW Bus

August 9, 2010

This should work on most old aircooled Volkswagens, like the bug or beetle, though you will need to jack up the vehicle in order to get under it and at the starter. Tools I used: 17mm wrench 13mm wrench Now before we start it is very important that you disconnect the battery. Also make sure

What you shouldn’t find in your VW transmission

August 9, 2010

Drained the transmission fluid on  1965 VW Bus and changed a seal in the brake drum recently. Found a couple goodies in there that are definitely  not good to find. First off, this is the entirety of the fluid that came out…notice something missing…like most of the fluid that should be there? After rolling out

Javascript: Parse Twitter Usernames, Hashtags and URIs

July 28, 2010

Twitter provides a plain-text stream of tweets. I was looking to add links to this stream for the usernames, URIs, and hashes. I wound up with the following function that hopefully you will find useful. function parseTwitter(text) { // Parse URIs text = text.replace(/[A-Za-z]+:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9-_]+\.[A-Za-z0-9-_:%&\?\/.=]+/, function(uri) { return; }); // Parse Twitter usernames text =

Bus Pilots: 2010 Family Reunion

July 19, 2010

I had a great time at the Family Reunion this year! I highly encourage anyone reading this to check out the Bus Pilots website and attend next year. It is a weekend long event starting Friday evening and ending Sunday afternoon. On Friday we all met a Sonic in Boise for dinner. Afterwards we cruised