Useful sites for WordPress developers

November 2, 2011

I was asked by another WordPress developer if there are any sites that I recommend other WordPress developers follow. I do have such a list and decided that I will publish it in the hopes that others will also find these resources useful. This site of course 😀 My WordPress posts The Codex WPRecipes WordPress

WordPress: Retrieve posts for last N minutes or timespan

November 1, 2011

I am working on a project that requires me to pull the last 15 minutes worth of posts from a custom post type out of the wp_posts table for analysis. I thought this would be easy and quick, however I spend around 20 minutes digging until I finally found a nugget way at the bottom

ZDD: Zippey the Gardener

October 26, 2011

Unfortunately it seems like the previous owner of zzZippety Doo Dah did not take proper care of her hull, but as with all positive thinkers, Zippey turned what could have been a downer into an amazingly thick garden of muscles and other sea critter. Her hull was positively covered, so much that it was not

ZDD: Sneak previous of the new color scheme

October 26, 2011

zzZippety Doo Dah is currently on the hard in Port Townsend. I was hoping to have her back in the water by now but the cold weather is causing the paint to dry at a rate of one coat per day  so she will be there for another week. Luckily for you I have a

Setup WordPress on Windows Azure

October 25, 2011

If you are looking for information on hosting WordPress on Windows Azure there have been a lot of WordPress tutorials popping up in blogs lately. Unfortunately many(most) of these posts contain misinformation, error, or are out of date. The good news is that the Microsoft Interoperability team hosts an official tutorial on deploying WordPress on