Music is in the air

September 12, 2008

Anybody who knows me personally will know that I love music. Not like most people love music. Most people who say they love music love listening to music. I love making music and showing it in events in Austin.

Even though I just moved to Nampa, I have already become involved in two separate music groups.

The first is at Nampa First Church where I am currently scheduled to play keyboard synth and bass guitar. This coming Sunday will be my first week playing. I am hoping I can get someone to loan me a car for a bit so I can get my keyboard down to the church. I own a Korg Triton Extreme, one of the nicest keyboards you will find. If I cannot get a car I will not be too put out. The church has a Korg Triton LE which is from the same line as my Korg, but levels lower so it should be easy to figure out.

The second is the campus chapel team. There is chapel every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and it is a requirement that students attend 2/3 of chapel sessions. ALL the students! So I will be playing drums in front of thousands of students, and hundreds of faculty. I am really excited about the opportunity because I want to join Covenant this summer. Covenant is a traveling music group sponsored by NNU. They travel all over the northwest doing concerts, leading music at camps, and tons of other things. I have dreamed about doing that for as many years as I have been playing.

It is interesting to look at my life and see there are 3 main points of interest: computers(programming), music, and youth ministry. I am interested to see how they will resolve themselves throughout my lifetime.


2 thoughts on “Music is in the air

  1. Mom (September 12, 2008)

    Yes, you do love music! It is exciting to see you enjoying your passion! Just don’t forget your homework. wink. I hope you do join Covenant. You would have a blast as well as have more life experiences.

    Hope all goes well with worship at First Church this Sunday!
    Love you lots.

  2. Mitch (September 14, 2008)

    Covenant sounds awesome! Does that mean you’re not coming home this summer? Who am I going to hang with at 11pm at night? Just kidding. It’s exciting to see your love of music grow since that one day I threw a pair of drum sticks at you. You’ve grown up a lot Benski.