How to fix a WordPress HTTPS redirect loop with an NGINX reverse proxy

September 16, 2019

If your WordPress site is set up to use HTTPS and a reverse proxy, such as an NGINX reverse proxy, is put in front of it you may wind up with an infinite redirect loop.

Following the redirect in dev tools, it looks like this is happening: ->

A head scratcher for sure, but understanding what is going on behind the scenes reveals the issue and the solution together.

Here is what is actually happening:

  • Request is made to
  • The reverse proxy catches the request and makes it’s own request to Take special note that the schema changed to http.
  • The WordPress site sees a request for and says, “Hey, that’s not right, I am at” and tells the browser to go there
  • Repeat indefinitely

You could change the site to support http to the exclusion of https, however that is hacky and anything wanting https will still work itself into an infinite redirect.

An easier solution is to trick WordPress into thinking the request is https enabled.

WordPress looks at a server variable when determining the status of https. Open your wp-config.php file and add the following just after the <?php tag:

if ( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https' ) {
    $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';
    $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = 443;

And now your site will work as originally anticipated.

Dastardly isn’t it 😉

Photo by Dan Freeman on Unsplash