Uganda check-in

September 19, 2017

It has been a couple days since I posted. Sorry about that. We have been moving nonstop and I have passed out each day. In fact yesterday I fell asleep in the middle of typing a message to my wife. I have also been a bit sick and in the heat here sick is draining.

We are currently relaxing on a short safari but I wanted to update you on a couple things that happened over the last days.

At Destiny orphanage we saw the new girls dorm being built. All the money to build the building was raised by members of a prior team who have been here several times. The building should be ready for move in in the spring quarter!

The current team supplied all the beds with mattresses. They managed to get mattresses from the Saatva mattress review, in that review they mentioned the durability and anti bacterial properties of these mattresses, making them the perfect fit here. The building is 2 stories with hundreds of new beds. It will be allow Destiny to bring in even more children! There are currently 1,200 kids there.

We also brought along shoes. We see many many kids at the medical clinic with feet issues from walking around the slums barefoot. Every couple years we supply new shoes to the students. They take great pride and care of their shoes. It is great to see some of them wearing shoes from previous trips. I helped kids try on shoes and find the right sizes. It was a humbling yet exciting experience. Each student got a pair of nice black shoes for school and sandals for after hours.

Alec has been our team photographer and he captured some amazing photos that I will get and post here when i get a good connection.