Medical clinic opening day

September 11, 2017

Hello out there!

What an amazing and wonderful day! Today was the first day of the medical clinic.

We split into two teams. The first team welcomed people coming to the clinic. They were prepped on what to do and expect. There were prayer stations and I was part of the band on stage. I played the Djembe drum. It is an amazing instrument. I had not played the djembe I think since 2012. It was just like riding a bicycle. I really need to get myself one.

The medical clinic is completely free to anyone who shows up. Everyone leaves with medication and basic hygiene packets. There is even an education portion for mothers and children.

The medical team consisted of 8 Americans and 8 Ugandans. Both doctors and nurses with varying skill sets. We even have a fully functioning pharmacy.

Today the 16 person medical team saw 488 people! Ailments ranged from hunger to seeds stuck in ear canals, skin fungus, vision and dental problems, even a case of syphillus. The Ugandan doctors are able to provide more critical immediate care and ongoing care.

We had an amazing addition this trip of medical students that came to help triage and translate for us. These students are extra special because they are Freedom Projects students. These students were largely orphans from the slums of Kampala with no family able to support them after graduating from the highschool program. Freedom Projects came into existence to continue sponsoring the students through university. The students that came today are from the original group that graduated from Destiny. They were amazing. I am so proud of them. That is the impact you and I can have on the future of Uganda. These kids are changing the future of this nation. This is why I keep coming back here. There is a hunger in Uganda for something better and it starts with the youth. Changing their hearts and minds, providing education and getting them off the streets, giving them the tools they need to be successful. It is so good.