Barnett Max – Rigging with Rob

March 17, 2016

Update: A couple readers who know about the Barnett Max have contacted me to let me know that the boat is actually from the 70s. Seems I was a bit off on my timeframe! Thank you to the diligent sailors out there for the correction.

See also Barnett Max Resources


My buddy Robert Dall is in town for the SBYC Snowbird sailboat race this weekend. Robert is an avid Laser sailor and racer from the Sunshine Coast in Canada.

Near the end of last year I was given a “laser-like” sailboat by another boater in my marina. It needed some work to get it worthy of being on the water again, namely redoing all the adhesive around the hull joint.

Well, she is done and ready to start getting some sailing in this summer!

Robert had not seen her in real life so we pulled her out from her winter storage and rigged her up. Robert gave me some great pointers from his Laser experience on how to optimize the rigging and sailing.

The boat is a Barnett Max. It is very old. I think possibly from the 1950s. It is very close in dimensions and rigging to a Laser. I am wondering if it could be a predecessor of the modern Laser, which started in the late 1960s.

Information is hard to find online about this boat. If you know anything drop me a line in the comments. I would love to hear from you!

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