Life is precious; Keep safety first this boating season

July 4, 2015

This weekend on Puget Sound the marinas are a flurry of activity. Boats by the thousands are going out on the water to enjoy the long holiday weekend and extra caution is required during all boating activities.

Yesterday I watched a man die 50 feet away from me after his dinghy fell and hit him in the head. The medics did chest compressions for 20 minutes before pulling a sheet over him.

As I pulled away from the dock moments later, to join hundreds of boaters in Liberty Bay for rafting and fireworks, it was a sobering reminder that life is precious and human are fragile. I urge you to check, check, and recheck while you are out boating, and still exercise the maximum of caution.

Keep safety in mind and your boat outings this summer will be full of fun times and good memories.