Hiking with Doug

November 8, 2014

A coworker, Doug, from my time at Microsoft Open Technologies Inc. has two beautiful Samoyed that he often takes on hikes. He called me up to see if I wanted to bring Bella hiking with him today. Of course I said yes! Mariah wanted to come along as well. We wound up having a total of 5 dogs and 4 humans! It was an easy hike, only a couple miles each way. The humans handled it with ease while the dogs tore around the forest playing with each other and causing general chaos. All the dogs loved it. Bella performed some crazy acrobatic jumps, one from a 15 foot tall stump, and Mariah proved to be much more agile than she let one when trying to get on the couch. On the way home both my gals were tuckered out. They both passed out in the back seat and did not move again until we got home.

Here are some great photos of the hike, most of them courtesy of Doug and his amazing photography skills. Click the a pic for a large version and then use your keyboard arrows to quickly browse the photos.