2014 Destiny Graduation!

October 7, 2014


Today I attended the graduation ceremony for the 2014 highschool graduates of Destiny boarding school*

Destiny started about 13 years ago. Last year the first group of students graduated, today the second group graduated and I had the honor to be present at the ceremony.

As I listened to the stories of the students I was incredibly moved. Some of the students had parents paying for them to be there but many of them were brought to the orphanage because nobody wanted them. They spoke of the advantages they have been given through Destiny and how they would be living on the streets or dead if it were not for Destiny and the generosity of their sponsors.

These students are now taking tests to get into universities and trade schools and confident that their schooling.

Listening to them caused me to reflect on my schooling in the USA and think about how so many of us take it for granted and even resent being forced to go to school. Here in Uganda there are no government run schools. All schools are private and cost money for the students to enroll.

Destiny has given these kids something precious and they deeply treasure it. 30 kids graduated today and are on their way to universities. The students still need sponsors for university. The cost is about $2,000 per year on average. I already sponsor a graduate from 2013 and after seeing her on Saturday and how I am helping to change her future and the future of Uganda for the better, for what is mere pennies over year, I feel my heart pulled to sponsor another child. If you want to partner with me and sponsor a student for university leave me a comment with your contact info here or in my contact form via the link above.

* Destiny runs an orphanage and a boarding school from the same location. All orphans get the benefit of boarding school
