Katende Gospel Life Church

October 5, 2014


Sundays we are free to go to church. Church service here is unlike church in the USA and I love it.

I was invited to speak at the Katende Gospel Life Church. The church was in a small village an hour away from the guest house we are staying at.

Services here are a big deal. Everyone gets dressed up in the best clothes that they own. Service starts at 7 am and goes till it gets done. My church got out at 2 pm. Services are very dynamic. *If* there happens to be a service schedule it is loosely followed at best. People are very responsive in the congregation. During the music people jump around and dance their hearts out. It is fun and inspiring.

I spoke on John 1:1-5 which talks of Jesus being life and the light of the world. No darkness can stand against him.

During the medical clinic I saw a lot of pain and hurt. We were able to provide temporary relief to the people’s bodies, but the medication will only last for a few weeks. Jesus provides relief for all eternity.

After service the people gave a love offering. The people here have so little yet they give so generously. They have the equivalent of a quarter month salary.

I come here to bless the people, but every time I feel like I am blessed far more than I give. The Ugandan people do not have much but they are so sweet and giving of what they do have.

One week left and I am excited to continue sowing into their lives. Not just for this week but for years to come as well.
