One week till Uganda!

February 26, 2014


I am sitting in my buddy Sam’s condo writing my first post in the series of updates about the trip, but my mind is 8,800 miles away.

In a mere 7 days from today I will be on an airplane 2 hours into a 21 hour trip to Kampala, Uganda.

My excitement level is growing off the charts! I have felt drawn to Uganda for the past 5 years. So far each year, for the past 5 years, I have signed up for a trip to Uganda and something happened with the trip itself to cause it to fall through. It has been incredibly frustrating, almost like something is working against me. Well this time is go time! I want to say thank you again to everyone who has helped make this trip possible for me. The financial backers, trip administration staff, and family and friends encouraging me.

I have received all my shots and I am taking Typhoid medication which will complete my immunization a day before we leave.

There is a hope that I will be able to post updates from the trip on this site daily. AAll posts will be listed under the Uganda category to help make them easy to find. Additionally over the next couple days I will work on modifying the site to show the list of posts on the home page. Be sure to come check out the updates! If you would like immediate updates put your email in the subscription box and every update will be sent to you.