Jetpack Ocean Party!

November 8, 2013

Today was our fun day so we had a Jetpack Ocean Party!


After a bus ride where we all thought we were traveling around the entire island we finally arrived at the big catamaran that was going to take us out on our snorkeling tour.


We went to two different island to snorkel. The snorkeling and hanging out was great, though the water was not very clear and the coral itself was not that interesting. There were several neat fish that I saw, but mostly due to the water clarity we were unable to get good photos with Ryan’s GoPro2 ( Sidenote: Adding the GoPro to my shopping list if anyone feels generous and wants to get me one ). On the way back in I met Rocket v3, more commonly known as Trisha. So much heartbreak this week ;).

When we got back to the house we went down to the beach and dove into the waves. It was then that I realized how exhausted my body was from snorkeling for several hours. Swimming against the waves and current was an amazing workout.

Anyways, here are some photos from the time. Videos will be beneath the photos.

General day from my iPhone

First island with GoPro2

Second island with GoPro2