Creation 2006

August 8, 2006

Every summer I wait with high anticipation for Creation to come around! Creation is a 4 day festival at the Gorge in Washington with dozens of great Christian artists playing, tons of free stuff, and cool shirts.

So anywho I drove over on Wednesday with my youth pastor and four students to have a good time. After the first concert I was walking down to the youth workers tent and I got stung by a bee :(. Bee stings do not normally bother me, but this one was right above my ankle in 110 degree(F) weather and I was doing a lot of walking around so it swelled up like a balloon. Literally was about three times the normal size of my foot. The third day the women in the group (We combined with another group from church, who combined with another group from church) finally made Kyle Fletcher drive me down to the First Aid tent to get it checked out. James Landry went too and he stayed with me while Kyle took the car back to camp. The doctor had the most amused look on his face when he saw my foot and started poking and squeezing it to see if I had any pain. Turns out it was just swollen like I had told the women and he wrapped a bandage around it and released me. Since we were there James asked about his leg, turns out that he has what they dubbed as “Gorge Leg”. A common form of heat rash on the leg. So that was fun.

I also got to meet my youth pastor’s brother Jordan. The kid is awesome and I would definately like to hang out with him again. He was not worried about what any one of us thought about him acting goofy and just jumped in with us. He fit perfect :). He suprised my on Saturday by actually passing up going down to the concert with the rest of the group to wait for me to get back from the store. I am glad he did though. He went and grabbed some dinner together and talked about the important things in life (read girls 😉 ). Then went and caught up with the rest of our group and spent an amazing evening worshiping with Chris Tomlin.

All in all it was a very good trip. Not as many good bands as in the past, but the company was the best and I am very much looking forward to next year. Maybe I will take my laptop next time and provide daily updates.
