Airport Adventures in Philadelphia

June 9, 2014

I fly a lot. Navigating airports has become second nature to me however we all have our moments, or in this case a whole series of moments… My coworkers are amazing. The company is distributed so we do not see each other in person often. Lastnight a few of us gathered together for merrimaking. I

How to determine which xmlrpc method is being called in WordPress

June 3, 2014

While working on a plugin to monitor incoming interactions with the xmlrpc in WordPress I had the need to discover which xmlrpc method was being called. Turns out this is not a simple as it seems it should be. WordPress uses what I gather is an older external library that does not contain any hooks

Responding to Critical Vulnerabilities in WordPress Plugins

April 28, 2014

This is a video from the April 2014 Seattle WordPress Developer Meetup where I spoke on Responding to Critical Vulnerabilities in WordPress Plugins. Slides are available at

The Victoria Debacle

April 6, 2014

I am sitting in the dining room of a rustic wood cabin on Pender Island. Seated around me are six amazing people with a deep passion for WordPress. All morning the air has been buzzing with conversation on the future of WordPress and how to make it even more awesome. Everything was different just one