For many long years this site has used the CodeHighlighter plugin to markup code. CodeHighlighter’s last update was in 2012, that is eons in computer time. If you paid attention you will notice that CodeHighlighter is one of my plugins. Why am I switching away you ask? CodeHighlighter’s code base is old, real old. It
Cleanup and remove all merged local and remote git branches
After working on a project for a while you wind up with lots of feature and hotfix branches. If you are working on a team with a remote cannonical project repo there will likely be dozens or hundreds of stale branches that need pruning. Here are a few quick commands that will help you clean
Remove query strings from static resources in WordPress
Using tools such as Pingdom and Google PageSpeed Insights I commonly see a message simliar to the following from WordPress powered sites: Remove query strings from static resources This week I have been on a performance optimization kick for a client and have been using this site as a testbed for optimizations. By default WordPress
WordCamp Maui: Interacting with External APIs
There is a lot of talk these days about tapping into the resources available through external APIs (Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, etc). Much of the functionality needed to interact with APIs is already included in the core through the HTTP class. In this session you will learn the concepts behind pulling data from an external API,
My 2014 Brute force attempt details and a WordPress plugin to block attempted passwords
I run a WordPress Multisite with about 50 sites running on it. As a matter of curiosity I started tracking failed login attempts this year to share the details with you. Total Logins: 78,623 Valid: 459 (does not include return visits where the login cookie was set.) Failed attempts with a valid username: 2,648 Failed