I find myself wanting random passwords all the time, and on a web project I needed to generate passwords automatically to send out to users. Here is the function I use to create random passwords automatically. /** * Creates a random password * * @param Integer $length – Default: 9 * @param Integer $strength –
PHP + MySQL: Checking to see if a record exists in the database
Quite often I need to look into the database to see if a record exists. For example, to check if a username already exists when creating a new user. I created a simple function to do this for me with mysqli. All I have to do is pass it the table name to look in,
2009 Fluxbox Keys File
This post will be of no interest to most of you. I am simply posting the keys file for my fluxbox configuration. I tend to forget to save it when I do a clean install and therefore loose it all the time. I am pretty lazy on getting it setup again. Finally did it after
NNU’s Peanut Cluster
I am not very good at posting stuff, and I have some free time so I decided throw up a couple posts. Here are some picks of the Mac OS X cluster at Northwest Nazarene University. This is the main cluster used for BioInformatic research. Soon we should be getting a Cray that will take
Craziest hdparm times ever
I currently have an external hard drive in my posession. It went from the owner to another guy. That guy did something with it, then it went back to the owner. The owner then handed it to me to copy the data off of it. Knowing how sensitive external laptop drives are, I babied it