Naomi O’Hare is a Speed Skater on quad skate in the Nampa, Idaho area. Naomi is working on getting to the national competition and getting sponsored as a full-time skater. Naomi needed a website for fund raising information and to show off her sweet skills. Visit Site
Apache: Force HTTPS with .htaccess
When HTTPS is required and you are working with an Apache server that parses .htaccess files, here is a handy snippet of code to put in the .htaccess that will cause the server to force every page in that directory and all subdirectories to use HTTPS by sending them to the HTTPS URI if they
PHP: Function to force HTTPS
Quite often HTTPS is required for security reasons, but the question is how to force HTTPS with PHP? Really it is quite simple. Copy the following function into your functions file and call it on top of every page that requires HTTPS to ensure it is used. function forceHttps() { $pageURL = ‘http’; if (!isset($_SERVER[“HTTPS”])
PHP: Remove empty array elements
I’ve run across a couple instances where I needed to either remove empty array elements or perform the equivalent of a trim() on PHP arrays. There are two pretty good ways to do this. The first way involves building a custom function to loop through an array and unset empty elements like so: function arrayRemoveEmpty($Array)
Removing those pesky .svn folders Subversion l leaves behind with find
When I am working on a project that unnecessarily has .svn folders strew about from Subversion I get a little annoyed. Luckily Linux has a solution (or is the solution!), the find command. find is a tool that can be very simple or very complex depending on how it is used. In this instance I