WordPress: Creating new routes (custom URLs) with WP Router

August 6, 2012

Quite often I come across projects where I need to create custom URLs and endpoints for specific functionality. I am currently working on a rather large API and working with the built in WordPress Rewrite API can be a major pain in the rear. Enter WP Router by Jonathan Brinely. WP Router takes all the

WordPress: Integrate your Pintrest posts with Pinfinity and IFTTT

August 1, 2012

Grand Landram over at FreshMuse released a great post today detailing how to automatically add your Pintrest posts to your WordPress website and create your own beautiful Pintrest style board. The complete step by step walk through can be found at: http://www.freshmuse.com/how-to-make-your-wordpress-site-a-pinterest-board/

Using binary image data to display an image in HTML

July 25, 2012

I learned a new trick with the HTML image tag <img> today. It blew my feeble little mind and I have to share it with you. You can use binary data in an <img> tag to display an image without needing a file sitting on the drive somewhere! Too Cool! I found this by accident

WordPress: Convert between currencies

July 20, 2012

If you have ever built a project dealing with money and multiple countries you have probably encountered the need to convert between currencies. There are a lot of examples on how to convert currencies using the Google currency calculator in PHP, however they almost all use CURL to accomplish the task. WordPress has an HTTP

WordPress: Copy taxonomies from one post to another

July 18, 2012

Here is the issue at hand, I have a post with several taxonomies associated with it that may or may not change. I need to dynamically create new posts from said existing post with all the included taxonomies. Copying a post is as easy as getting the existing post from the database and calling wp_insert_post()