If you need to convert all the MySQL tables in a database from InnoDB to MyISAM here is a handy script to automate the process for you. [bash] #!/bin/bash DB=’your_database_name’ USER=’your_db_user’ PASS=’your_db_pass’ TABLES=$(mysql -p$PASS -u $USER –skip-column-names -B -D $DB -e ‘show tables’) for T in $TABLES do mysql -p$PASS -u $USER -D $DB -e
Remove untracked local files from Git
If you have need to get rid of a bunch of files that are in your git repo but not yet tracked it can be tedious to do the job one file at a time. Git has you covered with the git clean command. Warning: This is a permanent loss of files. Always use –dry-run
Sync shared Google calendars with your iPhone or CalDAV device
When you add your Google account to an iPhone or CalDAV enabled device by default you will only see events from your calendar. If you someone has shared a calendar with you there is no clear way to make it available on your phone. Google has a tool to enable shared calendars to synch however
Migrate from CodeHighlighter to SyntaxHighlighter without altering past posts
For many long years this site has used the CodeHighlighter plugin to markup code. CodeHighlighter’s last update was in 2012, that is eons in computer time. If you paid attention you will notice that CodeHighlighter is one of my plugins. Why am I switching away you ask? CodeHighlighter’s code base is old, real old. It
Cleanup and remove all merged local and remote git branches
After working on a project for a while you wind up with lots of feature and hotfix branches. If you are working on a team with a remote cannonical project repo there will likely be dozens or hundreds of stale branches that need pruning. Here are a few quick commands that will help you clean