A friend of mine recently took a course on HTML web design and after completing her class she developed a website for Integrity Excavation and Rock Products. As a first site she did a great job. Go check it out. Integrity Excavation and Rock Products
C++: Virtual Token Ring Network
My networking professor handed out a group project to build a virtual token ring network and I thought I would share my findings here. Before you say anything, I know it is not a true token ring network, but it sorta acts like one which was more the goal of the project. My group partner
NFC: 2010 Sr. High Youth Retreat
Nampa First had a great weekend youth retreat with the Senior Highers. Here are some pics for your enjoyment. Videos will come when I am not lazy. (click to view the album)
Portfolio Update
It has been a long time since I have put an update on my portfolio on here. I have not been as active trading because I lost my job and have not had any money to put into my account. I am happy to say my portfolio is still going strong and growing.
Crazy Maui Drummer
I went to see the Cirque Polynesia while I was in Maui and the drummer astounded me. I must have watched him for the first twenty minutes at least. He totally made the show. He reminded me of a cross between Kiss and Michael Jackson, leaning heavily towards the Joker. Check it out and see