Synopsis At some point in life, every one of us will face the dark pain of heartache and despair, a hurt that pierces so deep we’re left gasping with questions: Why me? Why now? What have I done to deserve this? Will the pain ever go away? How can God just stand by and let
The Grace of God by Andy Stanley
Synopsis Learn how God’s grace can and will transform you. None of us deserve what God offers, a life free from sin and hope for a glorious future, but unbelievably it’s ours for the taking. Why? Because of God’s grace. The unmerited favor, the lavish love and kindness he pours out on us, and has,
VW Bus: Cheap Winterization
My 1965 Volkswagen Bus has some pretty bad rubber around the windows and if you know anything about Washington winters you will know there tends to be a couple inches of rain. Since I do not have the money to redo the windows right now I decided to see if some painters tape and garbage
Don’t forget to clean the fridge!
Last night I opened the freezer in my fridge/freezer combo to dish out some ice cream. The ice cream was really soft so I started checking out other stuff in the freezer, all of it was thawing. Pop open the fridge and it is way warmer than it should be. Turns out the cooling fins
Gorgeous Falls Photo
On the last True North Trekkers hike we passed a gorgeous falls, Narada Falls on Mt. Rainier. I was too close to fit everything in, so I took a series of 18 photos. These photos all have different exposures and contrast on them, and a couple were taken sideways (I don’t remember doing that though).