Running comparisons on Windows Azure Storage for PHP developers

March 16, 2011

Let me setup a scenario. You have a Windows Azure Storage Table with a column called PartitionKey that is a series of numbers that are timestamps. You are testing your code to retrieve all timestamps greater than X in order to perform time based data calculations. Being smart you try “PartitionKey gt 1”, because 065983400000

Converting DateTime.Ticks to a Unix timestamp and back in PHP

March 16, 2011

I recently found out that the DateTime library in C# provides the ability for much higher resolution of time compared to the PHP date time function. While PHP can go down to an impressive microsecond, C# can go all the way down to nanoseconds. Though I am still skeptical that it can actually calculate that

Hacking the Windows Azure PHP Command-line Tools to use your ServiceConfiguration.cscfg settings

March 15, 2011

Newer Note: The Interoperability Team at Microsoft has annouced a new version of the Windows Azure SDK for PHP which contains a set of shiny new command line tools and has deprecated the Windows Azure PHP Command-line Tools project. This post is not valid for the SDK, however a config file of the same name

Ease your Windows Azure PHP development in Windows with a build script

March 12, 2011

Update (04-30-2012): Since being featured on the Windows Azure blog for my WordPress post the hits to this post have exploded. Automated deployment is a hot issue with Windows Azure, however this is probably not the post you are looking for as it deals with the outdated command-line tools project, which has been officially depreciated.

New Car: 2003 Nissan Murano

March 5, 2011

Well it finally happened, I love my Mazda 626 but the poor little car has finally given me her all. The transmission started slipping real bad and as I drive sometimes over a thousand miles per week I need something I can rely on when I depress the accelerator. I started looking around and found