WordPress: Interacting with External APIs

October 5, 2012

There is a lot of talk these days about tapping into the resources available through external APIs such as Twitter, Facebook, etc, but what is an API and how should we be using them? In this article I am going to walk you through the concepts behind pulling data from an external API, sending data to an external API and how to utilize caching to increase speed and functionality, etc. While the concepts presented here may be applied to applications universally, I will be leaning heavily on WordPress when providing implementation details. WordPress has a great HTTP class that will help us do the heavy lifting.

The Video

I presented this topic at 2012 Las Vegas WordCamp. The following is a video recording of the presentation

What is an API?

The quick explanation is an API is an Application Programming Interface, but for you non( or slightly less)-techies out there I will elaborate. Many applications are single standalone programs that do their own thing in isolation. When an application opens up its data or functionality to the outside world it does so through an interface. This interface will provide a way for external applications to get access to the program’s data and/or functionality. That interface is called the Application Programming Interface, or API for short.

A great example of this is Twitter. Twitter built a website to pass messages between users in a public forum. When Twitter first started you had to use their website in order to pass messages, later they created an API. Now no matter what sort of device you use you can constantly be connected with Twitter, be it through the website, an application such as TweetDeck, your iPhone, you Android, even some smart tvs have Twitter apps now. All these apps talk to the Twitter API to send and receive data from the Twitter database.

HTTP Concepts

HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol and is the foundational communication protocol for the entire internet. If this is your first experience with web APIs or HTTP you probably understand more than you realize. At its most basic, and all you essentially need to know, HTTP works like this:

  • “Hello server XYZ, may I please have file abc.html”
  • “Well hello there little client, yes you may, here it is”

HTTP methods

HTTP has several methods, or verbs, that describe particular types of actions. Though a couple more exist, WordPress has pre-built functions for three of the most common. Whenever an HTTP request is made a method is also passed with it to help the server determine what kind of action the client is requesting.


GET is used to retrieve data. This is by far the most commonly used verb. Every time you view a website or pull data from an API you are seeing the result of a GET request. In fact your browser sent a GET request to the server you are reading this on and requested the data used to build this very article.


POST is used to send data to the server for the server to act upon in some way. For example, at the end of this article there is a comment form ( which I know you are going to fill out about how wonderful the article is 😀 ). When you enter data into the form fields and click the submit button the browser takes the data and sends a POST request to the server with the text you entered into the form. From there the server will add your comment to the database.


HEAD is much less well known than the other two. HEAD is essentially the same as a GET request except that it does not retrieve the data, only information about the data. This data describes such things as when the data was last updated, whether the client should cache the data, what type the data is, etc. Modern browsers often send HEAD requests to pages you have previously visited to determine if there are any updates. If not you may actually be seeing a previously downloaded copy of the page instead of using bandwidth needlessly pulling in the same copy. All good API clients utilize HEAD before performing at GET request to potentially save on bandwidth. Though it will require two separate HTTP requests if HEAD says there is new data, the data size with a GET request can be very large. Only using GET when HEAD says the data is new or should not be cached will help save on expensive bandwidth and load times.

Custom Methods

There are other HTTP methods, such as PUT, DELETE, TRACE, and CONNECT. I will not be covering those methods in this article as there are not pre-built methods to utilize them in WordPress, nor is it yet common for APIs to implement them, DELETE being the most commonly used today.

Depending upon how your server is configured you can also implement additional HTTP methods of your own. It is always a gamble to go outside of the standard methods, and places huge potential limitations on out developers creating clients, however it is possible to utilize any method you wish with WordPress. I will briefly touch on how to do that in this article.

Response codes

HTTP utilizes both numeric and string response codes. Rather than go into a lengthy explaination of each I will provide you with the standard response code tables. Again, you can define your own response codes, however unless you need to support specific types of responses it may be best to stick to the standard codes. Custom codes are usually in the 1xxx ranges.

 Code Classes

The type of response can quickly be seen by the leftmost digit of the three digit codes

Status Code Description
2xx Request was successful
3xx Request was redirected to another URL
4xx Request failed due to client error. Usually invalid authentication or missing data
5xx Request failed so a server error. Commonly missing or misconfigured configuration files


Common Codes

These are the most commons codes you will encounter

Status Code Description
200 OK – Request was successful
301 Resource was moved permanently
302 Resource was moved temporarily
403 Forbidden – Usually due to an invalid authentication
404 Resource not found
500 Internal server error
503 Service unavailable

GETting data from an API

Github provides an excellent API that does not require app registration for many public aspects, so to demonstrate some of these methods I will provide examples targeted to the Github API.

GETting data is made incredibly simple in WordPress through the wp_remote_get() function. This function takes the following two arguments:

  1. $url – Resource to retrieve data from. This must be in a standard HTTP format
  2. $args – OPTIONAL – You may pass an array of arguments in here to alter behavior and headers, such as cookies, follow redirects, etc.

The following defaults are assumed, though they can be changed via the $args parameter:

  • method – GET
  • timeout – 5 – How long to wait before giving up
  • redirection – 5 – How many times to follow redirections.
  • httpversion – 1.0
  • blocking – true – Should the rest of the page wait to finish loading until this operation is complete?
  • headers – array()
  • body – null
  • cookies – array()

Lets use the URL to my Github user account and see what sort of information we can get

$response = wp_remote_get( 'https://api.github.com/users/blobaugh' );

$response will contain all the headers, content, and other meta data about our request

    [headers] => Array
            [server] => nginx
            [date] => Fri, 05 Oct 2012 04:43:50 GMT
            [content-type] => application/json; charset=utf-8
            [connection] => close
            [status] => 200 OK
            [vary] => Accept
            [x-ratelimit-remaining] => 4988
            [content-length] => 594
            [last-modified] => Fri, 05 Oct 2012 04:39:58 GMT
            [etag] => "5d5e6f7a09462d6a2b473fb616a26d2a"
            [x-github-media-type] => github.beta
            [cache-control] => public, s-maxage=60, max-age=60
            [x-content-type-options] => nosniff
            [x-ratelimit-limit] => 5000

    [body] => {"type":"User","login":"blobaugh","gravatar_id":"f25f324a47a1efdf7a745e0b2e3c878f","public_gists":1,"followers":22,"created_at":"2011-05-23T21:38:50Z","public_repos":31,"email":"ben@lobaugh.net","hireable":true,"blog":"https://ben.lobaugh.net","bio":null,"following":30,"name":"Ben Lobaugh","company":null,"avatar_url":"https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/f25f324a47a1efdf7a745e0b2e3c878f?d=https://a248.e.akamai.net/assets.github.com%2Fimages%2Fgravatars%2Fgravatar-user-420.png","id":806179,"html_url":"https://github.com/blobaugh","location":null,"url":"https://api.github.com/users/blobaugh"}
    [response] => Array
            [code] => 200
            [message] => OK

    [cookies] => Array

    [filename] => 

As you can see a fair sized array is returned, likely full of content you will not care about. Lets look at a few methods that will help you quickly cut out the unnecessary elements and get right down to the data your are after

GET the body you always wanted

Just the body can be retrieved using wp_remote_retrieve_body(). This function takes just one parameter, the response from any of the other wp_remote_X functions where retrieve is not the next value.

$response = wp_remote_get( 'https://api.github.com/users/blobaugh' );
$body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response );

Still using the Github resource from the previous example, $body will be

{"type":"User","login":"blobaugh","public_repos":31,"gravatar_id":"f25f324a47a1efdf7a745e0b2e3c878f","followers":22,"avatar_url":"https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/f25f324a47a1efdf7a745e0b2e3c878f?d=https://a248.e.akamai.net/assets.github.com%2Fimages%2Fgravatars%2Fgravatar-user-420.png","public_gists":1,"created_at":"2011-05-23T21:38:50Z","email":"ben@lobaugh.net","following":30,"name":"Ben Lobaugh","company":null,"hireable":true,"id":806179,"html_url":"https://github.com/blobaugh","blog":"https://ben.lobaugh.net","location":null,"bio":null,"url":"https://api.github.com/users/blobaugh"}

If you do not have any other operations to perform on the response other than getting the body you can reduce the code to one line with

$body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( wp_remote_get( 'https://api.github.com/users/blobaugh' ) );

Many of these helper functions can be used on one line similarly.

GET the response code

You may want to check the response code to ensure your retrieval was successful. This can be done via the wp_remote_retrieve_response_code() function:

$response = wp_remote_get( 'https://api.github.com/users/blobaugh' );
$http_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response );

If successful $http_code will contain


GET a specific header

If your desire is to retrieve a specific header, say last-modified, you can do so with wp_remove_retrieve_header(). This function takes two parameters

  1. $response – The response from the get call
  2. $header – Name of the header to retrieve

To retrieve the last-modified header

$response = wp_remote_get( 'https://api.github.com/users/blobaugh' );
$last_modified = wp_remote_retrieve_header( $response, 'last-modified' );

$last_modified will contain

[last-modified] => Fri, 05 Oct 2012 04:39:58 GMT

You can also retrieve all of the headers in an array with wp_remote_retrieve_headers( $response )

GET using basic authentication

APIs that are secured mare provide one or more of many different types of authentication. A common, though not highly secure, authentication method is HTTP Basic Authentication. It can be used in WordPress by passing ‘Authorization’ to the second parameter of the wp_remote_get() function, as well as the other HTTP method functions.

$args = array(
    'headers' => array(
        'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode( YOUR_USERNAME . ':' . YOUR_PASSWORD )
wp_remote_get( $url, $args );

POSTing data to an API

The section on GET was long, but I promise it only gets shorter from here. The same helper methods ( wp_remote_retrieve_body(), etc ) are available for all of the HTTP method calls, and utilized in the same fashion, so I will not go over them again.

POSTing data is done using the wp_remote_post() function, and takes exactly the same parameters as wp_remote_get(). It should be noted here that you are required to pass in ALL of the elements in the array for the second parameter. The Codex provides the default acceptable values and as all we care about right now is the data we are sending I will default the other values.

To send data to the server you will need to build an associative array of data. This data will be assigned to the ‘body’ value. From the server side of things the value will appear in the $_POST variable as you would expect. I.E. if body => array( ‘myvar’ => 5 ) on the server $_POST[‘myvar’] = 5.

Because Github does not allow POSTing to the API used in the previous example we are going to make this up and pretend that it does. Typically if you want to POST data to an API you will need to contact the maintainers of the API and get an API key or some other form of authentication token. This simply proves that your application is allowed to manipulate data on the API the same way logging into a website as a user does to the website.

Lets assume we are submitting a contact form with the following fields: name, email, subject, comment. To setup the body we do the following:

$body = array(
    'name' => 'Jane Smith',
    'email' => 'some@email.com',
    'subject' => 'Checkout this API stuff',
    'comment' => 'I just read a great tutorial by this Ben Lobaugh. It taught me amazing things about interacting with APIs in WordPress! You gotta check it out!'

Now we need to setup the rest of the values that will be passed to the second parameter of wp_remote_post()

$args = array(
    'body' => $body,
    'timeout' => '5',
    'redirection' => '5',
    'httpversion' => '1.0',
    'blocking' => true,
    'headers' => array(),
    'cookies' => array()

Then of course to make the call

$response = wp_remote_post( 'http://your-contact-form.com', $args );

For those of you that do not like piecing together chunks of code ( like myself ) here is the entire snippet

$body = array(
    'name' => 'Jane Smith',
    'email' => 'some@email.com',
    'subject' => 'Checkout this API stuff',
    'comment' => 'I just read a great tutorial by this Ben Lobaugh. It taught me amazing things about interacting with APIs in WordPress! You gotta check it out!'

$args = array(
    'body' => $body,
    'timeout' => '5',
    'redirection' => '5',
    'httpversion' => '1.0',
    'blocking' => true,
    'headers' => array(),
    'cookies' => array()

$response = wp_remote_post( 'http://your-contact-form.com', $args );


HEADing off bandwidth usage

It can be pretty important, and sometimes required by the API, to check a resource status using HEAD before retrieving it. On high traffic APIs GET is often limited to number of requests per minute or hour. There is no need to even attempt a GET request unless the HEAD request shows that the data on the API has been updated.

As mentioned previously, HEAD contains data on whether or not the data has been updated, if the data should be cached, when to expire the cached copy, and sometimes a rate limit on requests to the API.

Going back to the Github example, here are are few headers to watch out for. Most of these headers are standard, but you should always check the API docs to ensure you understand which headers are named what and their purpose.

  • x-ratelimit-limit – Number of request allowed in a time period
  • x-ratelimit-remaining – Number of remaining available requests in time period
  • content-length – How large the content is in bytes. Can be useful to warn the user if the content is fairly large
  • last-modified – When the resource was last modified. Highly useful to caching tools
  • cache-control – How should the client handle caching

The following will check the HEAD value of my Github user account:

$response = wp_remote_head( 'https://api.github.com/users/blobaugh' );

$response should look similar to

    [headers] => Array
            [server] => nginx
            [date] => Fri, 05 Oct 2012 05:21:26 GMT
            [content-type] => application/json; charset=utf-8
            [connection] => close
            [status] => 200 OK
            [vary] => Accept
            [x-ratelimit-remaining] => 4982
            [content-length] => 594
            [last-modified] => Fri, 05 Oct 2012 04:39:58 GMT
            [etag] => "5d5e6f7a09462d6a2b473fb616a26d2a"
            [x-github-media-type] => github.beta
            [cache-control] => public, s-maxage=60, max-age=60
            [x-content-type-options] => nosniff
            [x-ratelimit-limit] => 5000

    [body] => 
    [response] => Array
            [code] => 200
            [message] => OK

    [cookies] => Array

    [filename] => 

All of the same helper functions can be used on this function as with the previous two. The exception here being that HEAD never returns a body, so that element will always be empty.

Make any sort of request

If you need to make a request using an HTTP method that is not supported by any of the above functions do not panic. The great people developing WordPress already thought of that and lovingly provided wp_remote_request(). This function takes the same two parameters as wp_remote_get(), and allows you to specify the HTTP method as well. What data you need to pass along is up to your method.

To send a DELETE method example you may have something similar to the following:

$args = array(
    'method' => 'DELETE'
$response = wp_remote_request( 'http://some-api.com/object/to/delete', $args );

Introduction to caching

Caching is a practice whereby commonly used objects or objects requiring significant time to build are saved into a fast object store for quick retrieval on later requests. This prevents the need to spend the time fetching and building the object again. Caching is a vast subject that is part of website optimization and could go into an entire series of articles by itself. What I am to do in this article is introduce you to caching and a simple yet effective way to quickly setup a cache for API responses.

Why should you cache API responses? Well the big elephant in the room is because external APIs slow down your site. Many consultants will tell you tapping into external APIs will improve the performance of your website by reducing the amount of connections and processing it performs, as well as costly bandwidth, but sometimes this is simply not true. It is a fine balancing act between the speed your server can send data and the amount of time it takes for the remote server to process a request, build the data, and send it back. The second glaring aspect is that many APIs have a limited number of requests in a time period, and possibly a limit to the number of connections by an application at once. Caching helps solve these dilemmas by placing a copy of the data on your server until it needs to be refreshed.

When should you cache?

The snap answer to this is *always*, but again there are times when you should not. If you are dealing with real time data or the API specifically says not to cache in the headers you may not want to cache, but for all other situations it is generally a good idea to cache any resources retrieved from an API.

 WordPress Transients

WordPress Transients provide a convenient way to store and use cached objects. Transients live for a specified amount of time, or until you need them to expire when a resource from the API has been updated. Using the transient functionality in WordPress may be the easiest to use caching system you ever encounter. There are only three function to do all the heavy lifting for you.

Cache an object ( Set a transient )

Caching an object is done with the set_transient() function. This function takes the following three parameters:

  1. $transient – Name of the transient for future reference
  2. $value – Value of the transient
  3. $expiration – How many seconds from saving the transient until it expires

An example of caching the Github user information response from above for one hour would be

$response = wp_remote_get( 'https://api.github.com/users/blobaugh' );

set_transient( 'blobaugh_github_userinfo', $response, 60*60 );
Get a cached object ( Get a transient )

Getting a cached object is quite a bit more complex than setting a transient. You need to request the transient, but then you also need to check to see if that transient has expired and if so fetch updated data. Usually the set_transient() call is made inside of the get_transient() call. Lets see an example of getting the transient data for the Github user profile:

$github_userinfo = get_transient( 'blobaugh_github_userinfo' );

if( $false === $github_userinfo ) {
    // Transient expired, refresh the data
    $response = wp_remote_get( 'https://api.github.com/users/blobaugh' );
    set_transient( 'blobaugh_github_userinfo', $response, 60*60 );
// Use $github_userinfo as you will

Delete a cached object ( Delete a transient )

Deleting a cached object is the easiest of all the transient functions, simply pass it a parameter of the name of the transient and you are done.

To remove the Github user info:

delete_transient( 'blobaugh_github_userinfo' );

Wrap it up with a demo

This has been a rather lengthy article, and we still have barely scratched the surface of some amazing things you can do with the HTTP and caching classes in WordPress. Stayed tuned and in the future I may write a series of articles walking you through building a full API client, with caching and all built right in.

For now I am providing a simple demo of the concepts presented here. It is a widget that will reach out to a Github user account via the API and retrieve a list of all the repositories directly in a user’s account.

If you would like to take a look and play with the code please head over to Github for the demo.

A full API client by me 🙂

A lot of recent client projects involve fetching data from external APIs and I have been putting together an API client that integrates all the power of the WordPress HTTP and Transient classes as I have had need. At the time of publishing this article is supports GET and HEAD very well but POST not at all. It includes features such as automatic caching, maintaining and forcing expiration of cached objects, and forcing caching for situations when it is needed but the API recommends not to. It can even be setup to verify required parameters are set on a per endpoint basis. Hope over to Github and check it out. Let me know how I can improve it, or fork it and add new features to contribute back yourself.


Keep in mind this is a work in progress, not a full featured product. Set your expectations accordingly.

I hope this article has been helpful to you in some way. Please feel free to leave any questions, comments, or hate mail below.